Seismic Specification Review

Avoid Project Cost Overruns With ISAT's Seismic Spec Review

The #1 cause for change orders, contested cost changes and poor installations regarding seismic bracing stems from unclear seismic specifications or misinformation/conflicting information on the construction documents.

A clear and concise seismic bracing specification allowing construction flexibility yet describing an easy path of design and documentation is paramount to streamlined code compliance. A well defined stand-alone specification section which states the proper code reference information, a method to meet the code and a rigid submittal process will ensure seismic bracing is addressed. This method has proven to be the most cost effective approach when all aspects are considered.

Too often, the individual mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) engineers utilize drastically different approaches to deal with this issue within the construction documents. Not only are you setting the inspection authority (if any) up for failure, but it truly guarantees your building will not meet seismic code compliance. This puts the entire project at risk and compounds construction and litigation costs.

Take advantage of ISAT’s experience, specifically in construction document preparation, to assist you or your team in developing clear and concise specifications that lead to proper budgeting, good contractor bids and eventual code compliance.

Please reference the links below for the appropriate specifications and for other relevant areas of the site.  In addition, visiting our specification review page would offer further insight.

The IBC has brought about some very new aspects of construction to many areas of the United States. Utilize our 2003 IBC Specification , 2006 IBC Specification , or the 2007, Non OSHPD CBC Specification or 2007 CBC- OSHPD Specification to properly specify ISAT and clear up any confusion regarding this code.

Utilize our 2001 CBC Specification to address projects that fall under the most recent version of the California Building Code.

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Call 877-523-6060 or contact us today to learn more or to schedule your Seismic Spec Review.